A funny hat story. This hat was supposed to go for my brother, but since everything didn’t go as planned, it ended up for me! I planned to surprise my brother with a wool version of a hat that he has and that he likes. He said once that he would like to get a few more of that kind of hats. My grandma has made the original one, so I asked the pattern from her. She was happy to give it to me and explain how I need to cut different pieces. With a copy of an original pattern and instructions in my mind, I made my version of the hat. Directly when finishing the hat, I noticed that something was not right. The hat didn’t just look right. Moreover, it was my size, so I wasn’t sure if it would fit my brother. However, I didn’t have time to develop the model and make a new one. I decided to keep fingers crossed and hope that it would fit.

Well, it didn’t. First of all, it was too small and second, a wrong model. I have to say that it didn’t come as a surprise. However, my brother was super happy and thankful for my try and idea. He asked me to talk with grandma though to get the next one right. Haha. I think that before starting to do a hat 2.0. I need to take a call to grandma first.
Try – fail – learn – repeat

But lucky in unlucky (not sure if I can say that in English but said anyways), the hat fits me! I got a few engine driver comments at first, and my mom was already borrowing it to a costume party, but I think I don’t look like an engine driver that much when wearing it, right? Well, engine driver or not, I have used this hat a lot since and it’s become my favourite hat at the moment! It’s perfect for these wannabe winter weathers we are having in Stockholm. Plus, it fulfils my black hat desire. Sometimes it is good to make errors.