This week’s post Fashion revolution week 2020 is here. Last year I wrote my thoughts about fashion revolution and why it’s important to ask your favourite brands the question: Who made my clothes? Who made my jewellery? The post and my thoughts are still valid, so I recommend you to read it through, Who made my clothes.
I appreciate transparency a lot when I’m choosing the brand I want to support and clothes I want to carry. I mean that I rank highest the brands who can tell who, how and of what made their clothes. In addition to Who made my clothes, you can ask; What is in my clothes? If a brand answers well and honestly to these questions, it’s a good sign. Then they probably don’t have that much to hide.
In my own company, I try to be as transparent as possible. I tell where my cards are printed (Botkyrka Offset) and where paper comes from (Lessebo Paper). If I expand my business someday, I will continue to do the same. I want to be sure where and how the products are made, and I want to be able to answer to my customers’ questions.
Even though the fashion revolution week is in the end, it doesn’t mean that we can forget all these important questions and stop grilling (asking) brands about their business’ sustainability and ethical values and, maybe even more important, actions. On Fashion Revolution’s website, you can find a pre-written letter to a brand you would like to know more about (you need to scroll a bit down). You can also find other interesting material on the website. I recommend you to check it out! Fashion Revolution is also posting daily on Instagram (@fash_rev) a task on how you can join the fashion revolution now on the fashion revolution week.
And finally just a little question: would you be interested in Viivi Laakkonen dresses and patterns?