This outfit is already from over a year back when I had shorter hair and had just got a new denim jacket from my mom. New denim jacket for me but old for my mom. I saw it at my mom’s basement and asked if she still uses it. “No, I don’t use it,” she answered, and so became jacket mine. It was perfect timing since I had been looking for a new denim jacket at that time. The jacket was just perfect a year ago and still is. Can’t wait for the warmer days so that I can wear it with summer dresses again.
I also like this all denim look and could easily wear it again! On these photos, I have combined the look with neon yellow earrings, also from my mom. The earrings have found their way to my jewellery case already earlier. I need to put those on soon again.

How inspiring scrolling old outfit photos can be! I really like these photos and have no idea why I haven’t published those before. I need to go through more of my old outfit photos to remember how I have combined my clothes before and to get inspired. In 2017-2018 I had One year outfit diary on Instagram, where I published a photo of my outfit every day during one year. You can check it out if you want, @oneyearoutfitdiary on Instagram! Here is also my earlier post about the project.
Happy 1st May everyone!