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What I’m going to focus more on 2020

What I'm going to focus more on 2020

2020! Happy new year everyone! I hope your year will be magical. I have some exciting plans for this year, and I can’t wait to share all of them with you.

Did you make new year’s resolutions? I made a few, or I don’t like to call them resolutions, but I decided to focus more on a few things. One of them is to buy second hand as much as possible, but not to shop things I don’t need. I have already paid attention to my consuming a long time but will continue and become better on that. Also, I will try to find a new home for clothes and things I don’t use anymore. I have a bunch of stuff in our basement that I should have got rid off already, but now I’m gonna make it happen, and I hope somebody else can find joy in clothes and things that I don’t have a place anymore.

I’m in a few second-hand groups on Facebook, I check time to time online second-hand stores/sites, and when I pass by a second-hand store I usually go in and take a look. In the area where I live there is a second-hand Facebook group that I think is great so things can find a new home easily and quickly: no sending packages, instead, a quick meeting with a neighbour. After Christmas, I really wanted to do a puzzle, so I wrote to the group if anyone has an extra. It took maybe a half an hour before I was already doing the puzzle on our dining table. And even better was that my neighbour asked if I still have hangers, that I had tried to sell earlier, left, so we just made a swap. She got new hangers and I got a puzzle.

What I'm going to focus more on 2020

My other new year’s resolutions are to take good care of my self, follow my own path and work hard towards my dreams.

Did you make any resolutions? To what are you going to focus on in 2020? Let me know in comments! Furthermore, if you have ideas what I could write a post about, please let me know in comments, send me a message through the contact form or send me a DM on Instagram @viivilaak or @viivilaakkonenofficial.